Girls Football Club

Following on from England’s win in the UEFA Women’s Euro final, we have all gone footy mad and its officially coming home. Since Englands success, searches for women’s football league have risen by 80%. To celebrate this win, AGFS have launched a girls football club. If you fancy becoming a lioness and trying out a new sport, we’ve got you covered.

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Boys Football Club

We are thrilled to announce that football this year will be an elite sport due to the high demand and success AGFS scholars had last year in their local and national competitions. Training has been increased to twice a week so scholars can develop their skills to achieve big things for AGFS in the ECP 2023-2024. Open to all but with an elite squad in each year group.

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Cross Country

An opportunity for runners of all abilities to get fit and enjoy running in the local area. There will be opportunities to run in local events and elite performance squads will be selected to represent the school in the national cross-country championships. Open to all but with a selected elite squad.

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Scholars will be able to develop their netball skills in twice weekly squad training as they prepare to compete against local school teams. There will be a tour to PGL Liddington in March for scholars to attend and represent AGFS at. Open to all but with a selected elite squad in each year group.

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Hone your basketball skills through bespoke coaching from alumni players Irvine and Fejiro; play in regular fixtures as part of the elite squad with opportunities to play competitively. Lunchtime basketball is open to all on the MUGA.

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Yr9-10 DofE

There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level. These are physical, skills, volunteering and expedition. All of these will help you develop skills such as independence, resilience, teamwork, perseverance and give you new opportunities and experiences. In school we will focus on expedition preparation and skills such as camp craft, cooking and navigation. The bronze award expedition consists of one 2 day expedition in the summer term. The silver award expedition consists of two 3-day expeditions, both in the summer term. Open to all scholars in Year 9 and Year 10.


Table tennis

Table tennis has never been more popular at AGFS! With the introduction of our new table tennis tables in the summer of 2023, scholars have been seen racing to the tables on the lunch time to practice their skills and defeat their friends and teachers.

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AGFS is proud to announce a partnership with Honour & Glory boxing club in SMYC. Whilst these sessions may incur a small weekly cost, the values the boxing club holds align closely with the AGFS values. Sessions will focus mainly on sparring boxing fitness with a view that successful scholars will continue to join Honour & Glory amateur junior boxing. Open to boys and girls.

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Pre-season Cricket

Due to the success of our summer cricket programme, Mr Smithers will train scholars with the view to prepare a team ready to compete competitively in the summer term

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Sports Skills Mastery

All invited; the club will focus on improving sporting prowess and skills for scholars who hope to make the elite squad during the next round of sporting trials

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